In a delightful and unexpected turn of events, Grammy-nominated musician John Legend discovered that his assumptions about his daughter Luna's musical preferences were far from accurate. The revelation came during the inaugural episode of "Our Favorite Things," a family game show where Legend was quizzed by his two eldest children, 8-year-old Luna and 6-year-old Miles. Filmed in late 2024, this heartwarming interaction showcases the bond between a father and his children while highlighting the surprises that can arise when parents think they know everything about their kids.
Family Bonding Through Music and Games
The first-ever episode of Billboard Family's "Our Favorite Things" took place in a cozy, intimate setting, bringing together John Legend, Luna, and Miles for a series of questions about their favorite things. When asked about her favorite singer, Luna corrected her father's assumption that it was Sabrina Carpenter. Instead, she revealed with a tender gesture that her favorite singer is none other than Dad himself. This moment brought tears to Legend's eyes as he realized how much his music meant to his daughter.
Miles, on the other hand, showed a keen interest in electronic music, listing Zedd, Marshmello, and The Chainsmokers as his top choices. Legend joked about Miles' future aspirations, saying he might want to do a Vegas residency someday. The game continued with more questions about hobbies, TV shows, books, and meals, revealing the close-knit relationship within the family. At the end of the video, Luna and Miles even rated their superstar dad's performance, adding an extra layer of sweetness to the segment.
Beyond the game, Legend also demonstrated his knowledge of his children's favorite songs from his children's album My Favorite Dream, which is nominated for Best Children's Album at the 2025 Grammy Awards. Despite the challenges posed by wildfires in Los Angeles, the Grammys will proceed as planned on February 2 at the Arena, aiming to raise funds for wildfire relief efforts.
Legend and his family had previously evacuated their home due to the wildfires but were able to return safely. Chrissy Teigen, Legend's wife, shared updates on social media, expressing gratitude for being back home and highlighting the importance of supporting fire victims through donations to organizations like World Central Kitchen, YMCA, LA Regional Food Bank, and the Red Cross.
From a journalist's perspective, this episode of "Our Favorite Things" serves as a poignant reminder of the simple joys and unexpected revelations that can come from spending quality time with family. It also underscores the importance of staying connected and understanding each other's preferences, even as parents and children grow together. In a world filled with distractions, moments like these remind us to cherish the bonds we share with our loved ones.